Exercise Is Not My Friend
Working out NEVER seems worth it at the time. In the beginning of the summer, it was all I planned on doing, hoping to surprise all my friends when I came back. But now, I have to be forced into it daily by my mom/exercising partner. Of course, she does it in a loving way, but I still hate her for it! I was not built to move fast, or move much at all, or be able to flex, or be flexible. I can dance pretty well, but that don't count for nothin! My middle splits is about 100 degrees. LAME. Ugh, I envy the girls who can run and love doing it. What I would give to be athletic... Actually, I wouldn't give something for it. I'm not as vain as all that. I work on my flexibility by sitting with my legs out, and my sister has a pullup bar that I attempt to use every now and then. Too bad it's no fun. You know what would be? BIKING! At least if I had a bike. Man, the fates seem to be against me on this one.
yeah, the first couple episodes are kinda slow. But idk, I just really like it, lol.