Tapdancers & Tearjerkers

Today I went to my six-year-old niece's dance recital. Not exactly the definition of a fun time, but some of the older dance classes were interesting. All the younger classes had basically the same couple of moves in all of them- shake the booty, lay on stomach & kick feet, etc. It was really more of a cuteness talent show with them. But I "aw"ed like everyone else. I was in dance for a year in first grade, and I gotta say,  I really think my ballet class was a bit more complex than the girls in that age group that I saw today. My niece is going into first grade, and her dance seemed a lot easier and simpler than what I had to do. Perhaps times have changed, or perhaps I wasn't as good as I remember myself to be.
On another note, I also watched an incredibly sad movie. It wasn't a chick flick, but still a really touching film. Although it stings my eyes, it really is good to cry every now and then, just to make sure you still feel compassion (for the people in the movie) and that you're a good human being. I'm glad I don't have to cry often, but since life is so good to me, sometimes it takes a movie to make you realize how good you've got it. But, then again, I guess that's what Hollywood's aiming for.


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