It Takes Me A Very Long Time To Decide To Do Something

And when I finally do, I feel bad about having wasted so much time NOT doing it. For over a month now, I've been meaning to start exercising again, but I kept telling myself the same excuse- don't let all this holiday food go to waste! You only have access to this much good stuff for a short period of time, so have it now, and work out later. Yet even though the holidays are over, I still am dragging my feet about it. Am I the only one who has this problem? I have to work long and hard just to get myself psyched about doing something important. It's ridiculous. Why can't I just achieve things without a lot of self-motivation?
Another thing I've been putting off is finding a use for all the craft things I have just laying around. I've saved them up, putting them all in a drawer, telling myself- you'll definitely use this LATER. I don't even know how long all that junk has been in that drawer, but it is high time that I do something with it! So this is the day; with you as my witness, I am now deciding to use all that art supplies in the following weeks, and start working out TODAY! Hah, it's good to get that off my chest.


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