Thanksgiving Break So Far

What I've done in the past couple of days:

  • My friends and I are in a funny-movie club, so we watched "Robin Hood:Men In Tights" together. (I RECOMMEND THIS MOVIE! GOOD STUFF.)
  • The next day, we all went to see "Breaking Dawn Part 1". (NOTE: I am not an actual twilight fan, but I still want to see the movies each one time, and I'm not gonna just get out of what all my friends are doing. But I haven't read the books.) It was pretty graphic by the way. Not for kids.
  • My grandparents are visiting us from Colorado. They're happy to see us, but there's not much to do around the house, so it's been kind of boring. My mom says "only boring people get bored" and that is her    version of a guilt trip.
  • I've been typing a story. A novel, really. I've never tried this before, and it's pretty cool. I only have two chapters so far, and I let my sister review each one that I finish. Not that I plan on publishing it, but I could print it out for my family to read. I won't say what it's about but the main idea is 'Alternate Dimensions'.
  • I've eaten a lot of carbs and have done nothing to burn it off. I wish wish wish that I could go jogging around the neighborhood, but no one will ever go with me and it's not smart to go alone.
Overall, I am happy to have a break from school. It's been homework nonstop for the past month, and I could hardly get by. But I'm thankful for this time off, which I guess is the whole point. Also family and friends, and all those obvious things. But mainly the ability to sleep in.


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