The Future of American Jobs
There are numerous reports online talking about how as the Baby Boomer generation gets old, there won't be enough people to do all of the jobs that need doing. This sounds bad, but my millennial ears hear, "higher chance of finding a job!" rather than, "young people will be forced to work twice as hard". The downside to this is this - if a large chunk of the population all retires at about the same time, then others will quickly try to fill in the gaps of the jobs that they left behind; but those that step up to the plate might not be as qualified to perform said job as their older counterparts. And that is my one concern - for the old people working lower pay grade jobs, there will be machines that can outsource their former work for cheaper, and this whole process might even spur on the development of such machines. BUT, for jobs where the former worker had a master's degree, there might not be enough MBA graduates to replace all of them. Now, I don't know if this undermining of higher education would be a good or bad thing - some are already of the opinion that not all higher education is entirely necessary - but it seems logical that the quality of work output might go down with this new wave of workers, especially in the case that high school graduates perform jobs that were once reserved for bachelor degree recipients. And the way to combat this problem, if indeed it does arise, is to do something about the availability of higher education to the general populace. But that is a whole whopper of another subject. Only time will tell if we benefit or not from the availability of jobs.
Such a great description,really loved it. Keep up the good work