Whole Foods Diet: Week Four & Going Strong

So, yes. It's not necessarily a milestone, but four weeks. And I'm noticing weird things. First, to clarify, four weeks ago I cut out processed foods, carbs, and sugar. I can still eat meat, and I can have dairy but mostly choose not to. And hey, I haven't caved in YET. But honestly, I don't feel like I'm going to! Which is a great feeling! There is hope for me after all! Here's the thing. Changing my diet was one thing, but changing the quantity of food I eat is another. And I think the hardest thing about diets is when people try to do both of those things at the same time - freshen up what goes in and cut back on the amount. Here's my grand, novel idea - A TWO STEP PROCESS. Step one - form the habit of eating green, fresh, raw, unprocessed, unfried, unsugared, natural food. And develop that habit over that certain time period that it apparently takes - what is it, twenty-one days? So focus only on that habit change. And for me, I pigged out! To satisfy myself I ate a ton of fruits and vegetables at a time. But the weirdest thing happened in that first week. I noticed it used to take me x amount of eating time in order to get full, but with these whole foods, I became full MUCH quicker! I later found out that it's the ENRICHED FLOUR that is added to SO many snack foods that makes you perpetually hungry. The chemical literally induces hunger, for the sake of making the consumer buy more. So in eating all whole foods, I get full after not very much food! Which is so great. And now, by the fourth week, I've lost all of my old cravings. And the weirdest part I discovered today. I smell and see yummy foods - cookies, pizza, rich breads - and I enjoy the smell, but it doesn't make me salivate or start feeling hungry. And that's because my brain has stopped associating those cheesy, yeasty, meaty, greasy smells with eating. Usually you smell something good before you eat it. But now, all of those unhealthy foods I only ever smell, so the aroma is no longer tied to eating immediately afterwards. It's like Pavlov's dog! And I think it's the greatest thing ever!! Who knew?! So I'm learning that it's quite simple to overcome cravings once you cut out those unhealthy foods, and it's infinitely easier to keep up with eating all whole foods vs watching your calorie intake when you still eat everything under the sun. Whole foods diet is the way to go!!!!!


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