Gatsby? What Gatsby?
THIS IS ABOUT THE BOOK NOT THE MOVIE. Just had to say that up front. I read the book a couple of months ago for school, and I absolutely loved Fitzgerald! Maybe not the story line as much as the writing style. I wish Fitzgerald had written a ton of books so I'd have more to consume! The way he would phrase things made me think there was a sort of magic to every sentence, like a wizard came up with it and not just a normal writer. Take this passage for example:
“Already it was deep summer on roadhouse roofs and in front of wayside garages, where new red gas-pumps sat out in pools of light, and when I reached my estate at West Egg I ran the car under its shed and sat for a while on an abandoned grass roller in the yard. The wind had blown off, leaving a loud bright night with wings beating in the trees and a persistent organ sound as the full bellows of the earth blew the frogs full of life. The silhouette of a moving cat wavered across the moonlight and turning my head to watch it I saw that I was not alone–fifty feet away a figure had emerged from the shadow of my neighbor’s mansion and was standing with his hands in his pockets regarding the silver pepper of the stars. Something in his leisurely movements and the secure position of his feet upon the lawn suggested that it was Mr. Gatsby himself, come out to determine what share was his of our local heavens.”His way with words is just so unique! I would never think to say things that way. And I love him for it. I learned in English his work was under appreciated during his lifetime, and that really is a shame. Especially when nowadays people can get away with a story like Twilight and call it literature. But I loved the novel. Every page I wanted to read multiple times because the writing was so brilliant! I wish all books were like that.
i hate never getting comments on my posts so i decided to take some time to comment on yours (: haha i see what your saying! he really does have a very unique way with words! its really paints a visual picture in your head while you read and i think that's one of the best things about reading! Nice post! Loved it(: