Celebrity Crushes
Have you ever had a super intense crush on a movie star or singer, so strong that you couldn't stop thinking about them for weeks? I had one of those insane things a year ago, and I was recently reminded of it because I watched a certain epic movie lately- Lord of the Rings. For anyone who has seen it, obviously one would assume, of course, that I am referring to the ever dashing Orlando Bloom who, IN MY OPINION, never looked better than he did in the LOTR movies with his long blond hair and blue eyes. Oh my, what a heartthrob! But alas, I speak of another. Billy Boyd, the guy who played Pippin the hobbit. And I'll tell you why. I had a dream two summers ago that Pippin, not Billy, saved my life. And as a result, I fell in love with him. Well, when I woke up, I had overwhelming emotion towards him and it made my heart race. Yes, dreams can make a difference in these things. I think it makes girls more crazy about guys when they're in their dreams because it somehow makes their 'relationship' more intimate, as if the girl knows him in any way. So that's how I felt- it's ridiculous, but true. And like any girl would do, I started looking up everything I could about him, trying to find the most handsome pictures, of which there were few, because he is not much of a looker in the first place. But I became obsessed, and I couldn't tell anyone for a couple reasons. First, to refer to Lord of the Rings at all is pretty much taboo in my circle of friends, because they are all too girly to ever have seen the films (I know- THEY HAVEN'T LIVED!!!) so there was no way they could respond. Second, this guy isn't even handsome! It was totally irrational, even to me! But like I said, once you dream about them, you start to really DREAM about them! This rabid fangirl phase lasted about a month and a half. And it was in the summer, so I had all the time in the world to research him. My point in all of this is that, regardless of who you're initially attracted to, one could suddenly redirect their attraction for any reason, even a fantasy fabricated in the subconscious. By the way, here is a picture of the rugged devil. (I think one big attraction for me was his AWESOME IRISH ACCENT!!!)
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