Today I went with my sister, who is 30, to an amateur photoshoot her friend wanted her to be in. There were two other 'models' there, but not professionals, so they were nice. Everyone there had tattoos, drank booze, and wore really tall shoes. It was a cool thing to watch, even though the pictures were taken in the backyard and a tiny bedroom. They weren't particularly cheerful people, though nice. But there were no colorful sweet shots like the one above. I wish they had. That's more my taste anyways. But overall, I didn't really understand the photographer's vision. IN MY OPINION, I didn't think she got the message across very well because it was all a bit understated. But what do I know? I'm probably just too young to understand it anyways. I know that for some reason, every other teenage girl is a striving photographer. They all think they've got something they need to share with the world. But sadly, most of their finest 'work' is pretty cheesy, to say the least.
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